Advertising is now seen by consumers with different eyes
Advertisements are now seen in a different light
Advertisements are now perceived differently
Advertising campaigns that worked well three months ago can achieve undreamt-of side effects under the influence of corona. Campaigns that are now being developed for the summer or autumn should anticipate the new demands that customers place on brands as supporters in the crisis. Together with you, we develop communication strategies that work in these Corona times.
Our Corona Communication Compass
We have study-based knowledge for the assessment of communication in Corona times:
Exaggerated lifestyle aesthetics, superficial humour, subtle uncertainty, inappropriate connotations – these and other effects of creative campaign design are currently critical parameters.
Encouragement, the prospect of a new life-affirming sensuality and reference to a changed value horizon – these are the new tasks for brand communication.
Avoid communication mistakes now and strike the right note for new brand messages
In our communications consulting, we advise your company on how to develop the right campaigns for these critical corona times.
We support you in all phases of communication development – from the initial development of ideas to tuning and fine-tuning during execution.
Further articles on the topic
[/full_width] [one_half]Guidelines for communication in Corona times